The Lamb of God is a song that talks about what the Bible says, "Jesus is the Shepherd and we are the sheep He is our spiritual leader from earth to Eternity."
Living Waters is a song that speaks about the woman at the well in the Bible when Jesus asked her for a drink, the water from the well. As they began to converse, He told Her that He can give her living Waters that she will not thirst again.
This song speaks from the Heart in expressing one's love and appreciation for the Lord Jesus.
This song is based on the book of Luke that speaks about a short man who was eager to see Jesus. However, because he was so short among all of the people he decided to climb the sycamore tree to see Jesus.
This song is based on the world itself and the way we live our lives. There's no one that's perfect. We are all equal in the eyes of God.
I wrote this song specially for the Bahamas where I came from. It's a reminder that wherever you might live in this world, you should never forget the country or your upbringing.
Spiritual Warfare is a song based on what the Bible talks about wrestling not against Flesh and Blood, but against spiritual wickedness in high places; that the flesh is always at war with the spirit.
Even so come Lord Jesus is a song based on the book of Revelation that speaks about the world and the end of the age as we know it. It's a song about new beginning as the Lord Himself sets up a new world and a spiritual way of living for all mankind.
Mommy please don't let me die is a song and a voice for the unborn. Just a reminder that every soul is important in the eyes of the Lord.
A message to the world is a song based on the book of Genesis when God told Noah to build an ark for the saving of his soul and his family because He was about to destroy the world because of the rebellious nature of mankind.
This is the entire album of living waters. This first album of mine is filled with religious songs to inspire your daily living.